Don’t forget about commercial security solutions to keep parking lots and garages safe for all!
Your commercial security considerations must encompass the parking lot or garages. Parking lots are often one of the scariest and dangerous areas, whether it’s anywhere from schools to public retail spaces. To make matters worse, people are often returning to their vehicles during dark or late hours, and they can be alone with no surrounding witnesses. Further, parking lots could allow any would-be thief or kidnapper to make a quick getaway before any alarms are sounded. Protect the regular staff and tenants, as well as any visitors from possible harm, by incorporating these commercial security features into your parking lots and garages.
Video Surveillance
Crimes are less likely to occur when areas are monitored by video surveillance. You can deter most thieves from targeting people in the car park or garage if there is a chance physical evidence can trace back to them. Many of today’s cameras have excellent quality recordings and can capture footage in darker areas. However, it’s best to make sure the parking area is well lit at all times.
Access Control
Some garages for schools, apartments, hospitals, or government facilities use access control systems to monitor who can park in designated areas. Drivers can have scannable badges or some key that grants them authorized entry in — or out — of secured garages. In general, having manual or automated access control parameters in place discourages suspicious people from entering the premises in the first place.
Intercom System
Intercom systems are highly valuable to install within or around parking lots too. Emergency alerts and warnings get communicated quickly to those in the parking structure of any dangerous situation, and it can deliver instructions on what to do next. Should people in the garage proceed to their vehicles, to the main building, or exit the garage for their safety? The intercom system can warn everyone if there are threats they should be extra vigilant of in the immediate area.
Emergency Stations
In addition, installing rapid response or emergency stations throughout a garage is smart. If a person lost their phone, or can’t make a call for help due to lost service from the parking structure, an emergency station helps connect the caller to assistance right away. Some stations have a button that alert the security staff to its location, while playing sirens or flashing lights. Similar to how video cameras deter them, thieves are less likely to target anyone if there’s a device that can quickly raise an alarm nearby.
Call S&B Pro for Your Commercial Security Needs Today!
When you choose to work with S&B Pro Security, you are working with a company that offers the highest-end equipment and installation, with team members who are top experts in the security field. We offer residential, small business, commercial, and government security in Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., Northern Virginia, Baltimore, Wilmington, Newark, Annapolis, Hanover, and Rehoboth Beach.
Call us today at 800-841-9907 or email us at info@sbprosecurity.com. Find us on social media through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. SECURITY DONE RIGHT!